Welcome to Ishaia's
Pagan Name Generator
In the spirit of fun, and along the lines of
Lady Pixie Moondrip's Guide
to Craft Names and the Bureaucratic Phrase Generator,
I hereby present the Beta version of Ishaia's Pagan Name Generator.
Here's how it works:
Pick a three-digit number between 001 and 244, then pick a three-digit number between
001 and 197. Find the word next to your first number in Column One, and the word
next to your second number in Column Two. Put the words together, and you have
your new Pagan name! Example: 129 and 175 becomes "Laughing Tears."
If your name doesn't make sense in the original order, try switching the words, or
pick a new number for either or both words. If you happen to get a double (Moon Moon),
call yourself "Two Moons," or simply pick a new number for either word.
You may get a name containing the wrong gender, since Man and Woman are included in
Column Two. Simply change to the proper gender, or pick a new number. You can even
adjust the words, for example by adding "s" to make a plural, as in "Many Crows."
And if you really hate your new name, feel free to pick new numbers. If you prefer, you
can combine two numbers from either column with one or two numbers from the other.
Example: Column One, 176 & 175; Column Two, 71 becomes "Sad Running Frog." Try throwing
role playing dice for improved randomness.
Alternatively, you can find some words in each column that sound good to you, then
flip a coin for each word (heads for yes, tails for no, or vice versa) until you get
a yes. Or you can use a pendulum, if you prefer. Or just pick two or three words and
shove them together. Use your imagination!
I hope to be able to automate this feature in the near future, but for those of you who
are not Java-enabled, I will maintain this "manual" feature as well. Note that the words
here are in alphabetical order, which helps me be sure that I'm not duplicating words
within a single column. A 10-sided gaming die will help with randomizing your selection.
Be advised that some combinations are names of real people, living or dead, such as
"Black Elk," "Sitting Bull," or Oriah "Mountain Dreamer." Also, some combinations have
real meanings, like "Shadow Cat" (Cougar). Have fun!
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