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Welcome to Ishaia's
Pagan Name Generator

In the spirit of fun, and along the lines of Lady Pixie Moondrip's Guide to Craft Names and the Bureaucratic Phrase Generator, I hereby present the Beta version of Ishaia's Pagan Name Generator.

Here's how it works:

Pick a three-digit number between 001 and 244, then pick a three-digit number between 001 and 197. Find the word next to your first number in Column One, and the word next to your second number in Column Two. Put the words together, and you have your new Pagan name! Example: 129 and 175 becomes "Laughing Tears."

If your name doesn't make sense in the original order, try switching the words, or pick a new number for either or both words. If you happen to get a double (Moon Moon), call yourself "Two Moons," or simply pick a new number for either word.

You may get a name containing the wrong gender, since Man and Woman are included in Column Two. Simply change to the proper gender, or pick a new number. You can even adjust the words, for example by adding "s" to make a plural, as in "Many Crows."

And if you really hate your new name, feel free to pick new numbers. If you prefer, you can combine two numbers from either column with one or two numbers from the other. Example: Column One, 176 & 175; Column Two, 71 becomes "Sad Running Frog." Try throwing role playing dice for improved randomness.

Alternatively, you can find some words in each column that sound good to you, then flip a coin for each word (heads for yes, tails for no, or vice versa) until you get a yes. Or you can use a pendulum, if you prefer. Or just pick two or three words and shove them together. Use your imagination!

I hope to be able to automate this feature in the near future, but for those of you who are not Java-enabled, I will maintain this "manual" feature as well. Note that the words here are in alphabetical order, which helps me be sure that I'm not duplicating words within a single column. A 10-sided gaming die will help with randomizing your selection.

Be advised that some combinations are names of real people, living or dead, such as "Black Elk," "Sitting Bull," or Oriah "Mountain Dreamer." Also, some combinations have real meanings, like "Shadow Cat" (Cougar). Have fun!

Column One

Column Two

  1. Air
  2. Ant
  3. Antelope
  4. Armadillo
  5. Ash
  6. Badger
  7. Badger
  8. Basket
  9. Bat
  10. Bear
  11. Beauty
  12. Beaver
  13. Beetle
  14. Big
  15. Birch
  16. Bird
  17. Black
  18. Blade
  19. Blossom
  20. Blue
  21. Bobcat
  22. Bone
  23. Brave
  24. Breaking
  25. Breaks
  26. Breeze
  27. Bright
  28. Broken
  29. Broom
  30. Brown
  31. Buffalo
  32. Building
  33. Bull
  34. Butterfly
  35. Calling
  36. Candle
  37. Cat
  38. Cauldron
  39. Chalice
  40. Cheetah
  41. Chipmunk
  42. Chopping
  43. Circle
  44. Circling
  45. Climbing
  46. Cloud
  47. Clumsy
  48. Cougar
  49. Cow
  50. Coyote
  51. Crab
  52. Cracked
  53. Cranky
  54. Creates
  55. Crow
  56. Crying
  57. Crystal
  58. Dancing
  59. Dark
  60. Day
  61. Dead
  62. Deer
  63. Digging
  64. Dog
  65. Dolphin
  66. Dove
  67. Dragon
  68. Dragonfly
  69. Duck
  70. Eagle
  71. Earth
  72. Elk
  73. Eye
  74. Faerie
  75. Falcon
  76. Feather
  77. Fire
  78. Firefly
  79. Fish
  80. Fishing
  81. Floating
  82. Flower
  83. Flying
  84. Foolish
  85. Four
  86. Fox
  87. Frog
  88. Gazelle
  89. Ghost
  90. Giraffe
  91. Glowing
  92. Goat
  93. Goblin
  94. Gold
  95. Goose
  96. Gourd
  97. Graceful
  98. Grasshopper
  99. Green
  100. Gremlin
  101. Grey
  102. Grizzly
  103. Grouse
  104. Grumpy
  105. Gull
  106. Hand
  107. Happy
  108. Hawk
  109. Heart
  110. Hidden
  111. Hiding
  112. Hippo
  113. Holly
  114. Hopping
  115. Horse
  116. Humming
  117. Hummingbird
  118. Hunting
  119. Hyena
  120. Indigo
  121. Ivy
  122. Jaguar
  123. Joy
  124. Joyful
  125. Jumping
  126. Kestrel
  127. Kicking
  128. Kissing
  129. Laughing
  130. Lazy
  131. Light
  132. Lightning
  133. Lion
  134. Little
  135. Lizard
  136. Looks For
  137. Lynx
  138. Many
  139. Many-Colored
  140. Moon
  141. Moose
  142. Moth
  143. Mountain
  144. Mountain Goat
  145. Mountain Lion
  146. Mouse
  147. Muskrat
  148. Night
  149. Ocelot
  150. Old
  151. One
  152. Opossum
  153. Orange
  154. Orca
  155. Otter
  156. Owl
  157. Painted
  158. Penguin
  159. Phoenix
  160. Pig
  161. Pine
  162. Pipe
  163. Porcupine
  164. Praying
  165. Purple
  166. Rabbit
  167. Raccoon
  168. Rain
  169. Rainbow
  170. Ram
  171. Raven
  172. Red
  173. Resting
  174. Rides On
  175. Running
  176. Sad
  177. Sage
  178. Scorpion
  179. Screaming
  180. Searching
  181. Seeking
  182. Shadow
  183. Sheep
  184. Shining
  185. Shining
  186. Short
  187. Shouting
  188. Silent
  189. Silly
  190. Silver
  191. Singing
  192. Sitting
  193. Skunk
  194. Sky
  195. Sleeping
  196. Snail
  197. Snake
  198. Soaring
  199. Spider
  200. Spinning
  201. Spirit
  202. Sprite
  203. Squirrel
  204. Staff
  205. Stalking
  206. Standing
  207. Star
  208. Stick
  209. Stone
  210. Striped
  211. Strong
  212. Sun
  213. Swan
  214. Sweet
  215. Talking
  216. Tall
  217. Tapping
  218. Three
  219. Tiger
  220. Tree
  221. Turkey
  222. Turtle
  223. Two
  224. Vulture
  225. Walking
  226. Walrus
  227. Water
  228. Wave
  229. Weasel
  230. Web
  231. Weeping
  232. Whale
  233. Whispering
  234. White
  235. Willow
  236. Wind
  237. Winged
  238. Wise
  239. Wolf
  240. Working
  241. Yellow
  242. Yew
  243. Young
  244. Zebra

  1. Air
  2. Altar
  3. Amber
  4. Ant
  5. Antelope
  6. Armadillo
  7. Ash
  8. Badger
  9. Badger
  10. Bat
  11. Bear
  12. Beauty
  13. Beaver
  14. Beetle
  15. Berry
  16. Birch
  17. Bird
  18. Blade
  19. Blossom
  20. Bobcat
  21. Bone
  22. Branch
  23. Breeze
  24. Broom
  25. Buffalo
  26. Builder
  27. Bull
  28. Butterfly
  29. Candle
  30. Cat
  31. Catcher
  32. Cauldron
  33. Chalice
  34. Charmer
  35. Cheetah
  36. Child
  37. Chipmunk
  38. Chopper
  39. Cloud
  40. Collector
  41. Cougar
  42. Cow
  43. Coyote
  44. Crab
  45. Crow
  46. Dancer
  47. Deer
  48. Digger
  49. Dog
  50. Dolphin
  51. Dove
  52. Dragon
  53. Dragonfly
  54. Dreamer
  55. Duck
  56. Eagle
  57. Earth
  58. Elder
  59. Elk
  60. Ember
  61. Eye
  62. Faerie
  63. Falcon
  64. Feather
  65. Fire
  66. Firefly
  67. Fish
  68. Flower
  69. Fool
  70. Fox
  71. Frog
  72. Gatherer
  73. Gazelle
  74. Giraffe
  75. Glow
  76. Goat
  77. Goblin
  78. Goose
  79. Gourd
  80. Grasshopper
  81. Gremlin
  82. Grizzly
  83. Groundhog
  84. Grouse
  85. Gull
  86. Hand
  87. Hawk
  88. Healer
  89. Heart
  90. Heather
  91. Hedgehog
  92. Hemlock
  93. Heron
  94. Hippo
  95. Holly
  96. Horse
  97. Hummingbird
  98. Hunter
  99. Hyena
  100. Ivy
  101. Jaguar
  102. Jewel
  103. Joy
  104. Jumper
  105. Kestrel
  106. Killer
  107. Laughter
  108. Lion
  109. Lizard
  110. Lynx
  111. Maker
  112. Man
  113. Mantis
  114. Maple
  115. Mistletoe
  116. Mole
  117. Monkey
  118. Moon
  119. Moose
  120. Moth
  121. Mountain Goat
  122. Mountain Lion
  123. Mouse
  124. Muskrat
  125. Oak
  126. Ocelot
  127. Omen
  128. Opossum
  129. Orca
  130. Otter
  131. Owl
  132. Pain
  133. Painter
  134. Path
  135. Penguin
  136. Phoenix
  137. Pig
  138. Pine
  139. Pipe
  140. Porcupine
  141. Rabbit
  142. Raccoon
  143. Ram
  144. Raven
  145. Rider
  146. Sage
  147. Scorpion
  148. Searcher
  149. Seeker
  150. Shaper
  151. Sheep
  152. Shine
  153. Sign
  154. Singer
  155. Skunk
  156. Sky
  157. Slayer
  158. Snail
  159. Snake
  160. Sorrow
  161. Spider
  162. Spinner
  163. Spirit
  164. Sprite
  165. Squirrel
  166. Stalker
  167. Star
  168. Stick
  169. Stone
  170. Stork
  171. Strength
  172. Sun
  173. Swan
  174. Tapper
  175. Tears
  176. Tiger
  177. Tracker
  178. Tree
  179. Turkey
  180. Turtle
  181. Vulture
  182. Walker
  183. Walrus
  184. Wand
  185. Warrior
  186. Water
  187. Weasel
  188. Weaver
  189. Whale
  190. Willow
  191. Wind
  192. Wisdom
  193. Witch
  194. Wolf
  195. Woman
  196. Yew
  197. Zebra


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