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Welcome to Svaha Lodge

About Ishaia

So, you want to know about me, eh? Well, have a seat and make yourself comfy. No, I promise, it isn't a long story.

To begin in the present, I am: a woman; a wife; a mother; a step-mother; an artist; a writer; a former government employee; and a shaman. A shaman, you ask? Don't worry, we'll get to that in a moment.

I am married to a wonderful man who has shown me what love is all about. His adult daughter does not live with us, but we keep in touch on a frequent basis.

We are the adoptive parents of two beautiful siblings from Latin America. They are a blessing and a joy to us, even though they drive us nuts sometimes. But then, that's what all kids do. We also have a gorgeous Golden Retriever. So, you can see that, even though I'm no longer gainfully employed, I still keep quite busy!

When we adopted our two little darlings, I was employed part time by the United States Federal Government. Becoming a parent for the first time took precedence, and I resigned from my job. I never looked back!

I always had a keen interest in art, music and writing. I took piano lessons for four years as a child, and sang in school and church choirs. When offered a choice between continuing to study music or continuing to study art, I chose art. Some of the pieces I created in school where not that bad, and I might have gone on to study art, if I thought I might have been able to make a living at it. Reluctantly, I put down my pencils and brushes to try to study other (read: more financially sound) areas. To make a long story short, I should have stayed with art, as a bachelor's and a master's degree in Linguistics, combined with a severe recession, meant that I spent the first year and a half after graduation working as an office temp, answering phones and filing paperwork. When the chance came to take a permanent job, I actually took a pay cut to accept it!

For a writer and artist, working a regular old 9-to-5 job is terribly boring. Now, as a stay-at-home mom (right! I wish...), I have the opportunity to stretch my creative wings a bit and have fun. I also make the time to create websites for friends.

No, I didn't forget. Yes, I'm a shaman. Mostly self-taught, I have a spirit guide with a wicked sense of humor. He pretty much sees humans as fools, but that's fine with him. He tolerates our childish behavior mostly because there is nothing he can do about it, being unable to effect much change on our level of existance. He delights in reminding me that I am the only one who can do anything about my own ignorance. Anyway, my spiritual pursuits are often reflected in my art and writings, but they are not the totality of my existence. I am also a Reiki practitioner, and dabble a bit in aromatherapy.

Well, that's the nuts and bolts of things, anyway. If you're still reading this, you must really be bored! I hope you found it at least a bit informative.

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