
Welcome to Svaha Lodge!
This is my little home on the Net. The Lodge is where you'll find all sorts of information, like "What is Svaha all about?" and "Who is this Ishaia person, anyway?" You will also find a Library of written items, such as articles, poems, essays and the like. I have also put all my Links together on one tidy page, grouped by category. Finally, you will find a small offering of tutorials for various image projects.
So, without further ado, choose your category:
About Ishaia
About Svaha
This site designed, maintained and owned by Ishaia.
All graphics, written material and HTML (unless otherwise noted)
© 1999-2004, Ishaia. All rights reserved.
If you have any questions or comments about this website
please contact the webmistress at
ishaia (AT) ishaia (DOT) com
(Sorry about that.... too much junk mail these days).
This site hosted by Eidolon Studios Web Services, a woman-owned business.