
Welcome to Svaha Galleries!
This is where you will find examples of some of my artwork. Most of it was created digitally, with the help of several different software packages. My favorite programs are Paint Shop Pro (PSP), Poser, Terragen and Bryce.
I wish I could say that I am a "serious" artist, but mostly I am simply a dabbler who enjoys making "pretty pictures." I enjoy the freedom of creating abstract works, but also the challenge of creating more "representative" pieces. I have only been dabbling in digital art since late 1999, so I still consider myself a beginner at this.
I have separated the galleries into two main sections: 2-D and 3-D. 2-D art is anything created in a "flat" medium, including photography. Most of my 2-D work was created in PSP, although I also include some photos here, some of which were taken with a film camera, and others with a digital camera. I do have some "representational" pieces in the "Scenic Art" gallery, which was created entirely in PSP.
3-D art is anything created in a 3-D environment. As my work is digital, that means work that was created in a 3-D rendering program, such as Bryce, Poser and Terragen. The final output of these programs is a "flat" or 2-D image. Still, as this work is created in a different type of setting, I have placed it in a different category.
I have also added a special category for wallpaper images. Many of these are 800 x 600 pixels, but some are 1024 x 768 pixels. I have tried to list which size for each image.
Choose a category below or click on the buttons to the left to view images in the galleries:
2-D Galleries
Paint Shop Pro Galleries
Abstract Gallery
Mandalas and Kaleidoscopes Gallery
Scenic and Representational Gallery
Photography Gallery
3-D Galleries
Bryce Gallery
Poser Gallery
Terragen Gallery
Wallpapers Gallery
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© 1999-2004, Ishaia. All rights reserved.
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