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Welcome to Svaha Galleries

Scenic and Representational Gallery

Poser Gallery

Here are a few images I have created using Poser by Curious Labs (see the Links page in the Lodge). The first four images on this page happen to be characters I created for another competition at Runtime DNA.

The Queen of Air and Darkness is based on a traditional song about a beautiful faery queen, The Queen of Air and Darkness, who attempts to seduce a young man. He in turn spurns her advances for the sake of his human lover. The Queen's curse is that he shall remember her embraces for all eternity, and be haunted by the memory of what he gave up for the sake of his true love.

Ivy is a woodland fae, and a guardian of the fae folk and their forest. When a falcon threatens a young faerie mother and her baby, Ivy rushes to the rescue, weapons glinting in the sun. Her rough complexion helps her to blend in with the trees, and her wings resemble the foliage in which she hides. By the way, this image won third place in the competition!

Sylvia and Goldie are just happy little faeries, also created for the challenge but not used. Not much to them, really.

TechnoBabe was created for a challenge over at TechnoDreamz (see Links in the Lodge). The idea was to illustrate the idea of "TechnoDreamz," whatever that meant to the artist. Unfortunately, I didn't win that challenge.

Kasha was a personal experiment. Her hair was done in postwork (painted onto the image), as opposed to rendered, and most of her clothing is a collection of props.

The Debate shows a work in progress (WIP) of several characters from a book (also a WIP). Connor, Zody and Quinn just can't seem to agree on much of anything.

As you click on the thumbnails below, a larger image will open in a separate window. When you are done viewing the image, simply close the window to return here.

Please be patient while the images load. More Poser art will be added in the near future.

Queen of Air and Darkness
Queen of Air
and Darkness
The Debate
The Debate

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