Welcome to Ishaia's Ritual Page
When I first began my explorations of the Shamanic Path, I performed daily rituals.
These rituals helped me connect to Spirit and energies which seemed difficult to find
otherwise. I have since discovered ways to connect with these energies whenever I need
to do so. The rituals described below may help you with ideas to create your own
daily ritual.
Ritual of Purification by Water
You may do this ritual each morning in the shower or tub, or after washing. It can
be adapted to use while camping or hiking. Instead of standing in a shower, after
you bathe, dribble a little water over your head, or dunk yourself in a nearby stream.
The important thing is that you should be physically clean (at least face and hands)
when performing this ritual, and that you should use running
water. This will ensure that the water carries away any impurities.
When I do this ritual, I face East to greet the rising Sun, but I start with the
direction of South. I am a fire person, and I feel a strong connection to the South.
You may begin with whichever direction you are most drawn to, but you should use the
"proper" order -- sunwise or clockwise (South, West, North, East). There are reasons
for this, which are explained better by Amber Wolfe in her book, In the
Shadow of the Shaman.
After showering or bathing, face East, ground and center. (If you need more
information on "grounding and centering," start with some basic books on meditation
techniques.) Breathe deeply, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Sense a strong
connection between you and the earth. Visualize a cord extending from your brain down
through your spine and continuing down into the earth, and upwards toward the sky to the
center of the Universe. When you feel thoroughly connected, calm and centered, breathe in
through your nose, step into the falling water (or pour water over your head), and
say to yourself, "To the South I am purified." Breathe out through your mouth while
standing, kneeling or sitting under the water. Visualize your mind and body being
cleansed of all impurities, both physical and emotional. Step back from the water,
inhale through your nose again, then repeat the above steps, saying to yourself,
"To the West I am purified." Repeat for North and East. Remember to visualize the
cleansing of your mind and body. Next, repeat the steps, this time to Above, then
Below, and finally Within. These are the Seven Sacred Directions, according to some
Native American traditions.
You may say the ritual out loud, or within your mind. Most people will have
difficulty speaking while standing under running water. Of course, if you are
submersing yourself under water (i.e. in a stream, river or even in a tub), you
don't want to drown! But if you use the method of pouring water over your head, you
may speak out loud if you prefer.
When you have completed these seven steps, you will be purified to the Seven Sacred
Directions, and you will feel energized in mind, body, spirit and psyche. After this
ritual, I usually offer my Prayer of Thanksgiving and
Another Purification Ritual
Begin your day by facing East to greet the rising sun. Breathe deeply and
rhythmically. When you are ready, begin by saying,"Clan Chief of Air, blow my Spirit
clean." Imagine a fresh breeze blowing against you from the East. Feel the breeze blow
around you and through you, clearing out impurities. Continue breathing deeply and
rhythmically. When you feel the Air has swept you clean, turn to the South.
Say, "Clan Chief of Fire, burn my Spirit clean." Imagine a warmth as from standing
by a campfire, comfortably warm, but not harmful. Feel the heat melt away any and
all impurities, leaving nothing but pure light and love and warmth. Continue
breathing deeply and rhythmically. When you feel the flames have burned off all
impurities, turn to the West.
Say, "Clan Chief of Water, wash my Spirit clean." Imagine a light rain, cool and
quenching after the heat of the flame. Feel it wash away any and all impurities.
Continue breathing deeply and rhythmically. When you feel the water has washed away
all impurities, turn to the North.
Say, "Clan Chief of Earth, draw my Spirit clean." Imagine a slight drawing sensation,
as though something is pulling at you from below, perhaps a little bit of extra gravity.
Feel all remaining impurities drawn into the Earth. Continue breathing deeply and
rhythmically. When you feel the Earth has drawn away all impurities, turn back to
the East.
Say, "Sky Father above, protect me." Imagine a great shield being drawn above you
in a protective way. Continue breathing deeply and rhythmically.
Say, "Earth Mother below, nurture me." Imagine being cradled by a pair of strong
but loving arms. Continue breathing deeply and rhythmically.
Say, "Great Mystery within, guide me." Feel the guidance of the Divine within your
own heart. Listen for any messages. Continue breathing deeply and rhythmically.
When you are ready, return to a normal state of consciousness.
I learned and adapted the following ritual while studying Wicca. I think it is a
beautiful method of Casting a Circle.
Casting the Circle
Beginning in the East, ground and center, then raise your sacred blade in your right
hand (or use your right index finger), holding the tip out and at eye level, and say:
By the Air that is Her Breath
Imagine a brilliant blue-white light emanating from the tip of the blade or finger. Walk
around the outside of the circle, still holiding up the blade, toward the South. As the
blade moves, picture a line of the bright light marking the edge of the circle. When you
arrive at South, stop walking, keep holding up the blade or finger, and say:
By the Fire that is Her Passion
Continue in the same manner as before, around the circle to West. When you arrive, stop
walking, keep holding up the blade or finger, and say:
By the Waters of Her living Womb
Continue in the same manner as before, around the circle to North. When you arrive, stop
walking, keep holding up the blade or finger, and say:
By the Earth that is Her Body
Continue in the same manner as before, around the circle back to East, completing the
circle. When you arrive, stop walking, keep holding up the blade or finger, and say:
By the Spirit which binds us as One
Touch the tip of the blade to the altar or the flat of the blade to your heart chakra,
I call this Circle cast.
Visualize the completed circle of brilliant blue-white light spreading to become a
sphere, protecting all within. The sphere completely surrounds the Circle and occupants,
reaching above their heads, and under the ground below their feet. When the sphere is
complete, say:
We are Between the Worlds.
Some people do not place their altars in the East, placing them instead in the North, in
the center of the ritual space, or in any convenient location. It is generally best to
begin where your altar is placed, circling back around to where you began. If you place
your altar in the center, begin in the East at the outside of your Circle, completing
the circle and sphere as directed, touching the FLAT of your blade to your heart chakra.
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