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Welcome to Svaha Galleries

Abstract Art

Page 2 of 2

The work in this gallery was produced using Paint Shop Pro. Some of it also used various filters and plug-in effects.

As you click on the thumbnails below, a larger image will open in a separate window. When you are done viewing the image, simply close the window to return here.

Please be patient while the images load. More Abstract Art will be added in the near future.

Pastel I
Pastel I
Diamonds Are Forever
Diamonds Are Forever
Pastel II
Pastel II
Pastel III
Pastel III
Pastel IV
Pastel IV
Pastel V
Pastel V
Pastel Metal
Pastel Metal
Wild I
Wild I
Wild II
Wild II
Wild III
Wild III


To continue navigating through the Gallery, simply use the links to the left, or use the text links below.

Thanks for visiting, and come back soon to see what's new. Enjoy your visit, and stay as long as you like!

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3-D Art | Bryce Art | Poser Art | Terragen Art

Wallpaper Gallery

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© 1999-2004, Ishaia. All rights reserved.

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ishaia (AT) ishaia (DOT) com
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